Open winmail.dat files

With just a double-click

Letter Opener for Windows Icon

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What is in Winmail.dat file?

A email message from Microsoft Outlook.


Great apps for opening dat viewer, needed it in a hurry and it providing on time changes and would be glad to use it again.
– Gregory

It does exactly what I needed - opening winmail.dat files. It works every time and I have no problems. Thank you for delivering exactly what you promised.
– Melissa

This if a great app. Opening winmail has always been a pain but not now. Immediate opening and reading. Great. Worth every penny.
– Sheila

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Letter Opener for macOS
只需点按两下,即可打开 Winmail.dat、MSG 和 XPS 文件!
macOS 邮件版 Letter Opener
在 macOS “邮件”应用中自动转换和显示 winmail.dat 文件。
iOS 版 Letter Opener
在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上体验全功能 winmail.dat 查看能力!